Bernie (Guardians In Love Book 3) Read online

Page 11


  Bernard laughed with childish exhilaration. “Let’s hope we don’t end up in pieces all over the world. Ain’t this exciting, princess?”

  Clinging to him and unable to gather my thoughts, I did my best to keep the emotion from my face. “I could have defeated him,” I said in a tight voice, “Now he will only come after us again, stronger.”

  “But you’ll have more of an idea of how to overcome him by then, right, princess?” Bernard’s confident smile was beaming right down at me as the world around us bled away and grew fuzzy. “But hush now, I’ve got to concentrate so I don’t end up inadvertently disfiguring us in the teleportation.”

  Disfiguring us?! Oh god, what the bloody hell had I gotten myself into with this man-beast?!

  Chapter Nine


  Bernard was brought to a knee the very moment we fully materialized among the vast gold and red colored landscape. He shouted and then squealed when I drew his arm up sharply and held him in an awkward position with his chest angled out and away from me while my knee delivered unforgiving force to the middle of his spine.

  “Okay, okay! I admit…the hand was a bad idea,” the Guardian explained quickly.

  I pushed my knee harder into the middle of his back, eyes narrowed on him to hide the true emotion dwelling inside. “You touched my…”

  “Juicy behind?” he supplied before he was squealing with the hard shift of his awkwardly angled arm as I drew it further upwards. “A joke, princess, a joke!”

  My heart was pounding hard against my chest wall as I kicked the Guardian and released him, letting his face meet the dirt floor without a backwards glance. I peered around the quiet area, which rustled with the light wind that disturbed the low vegetation and towering, far-off trees. I wasn’t quite sure where he had brought us, but it offered me somewhere to look while I composed myself; the unrelenting heat still flushed through my body as a result of his untoward touch during the unusual magical teleportation.

  He touched my bum!

  I quivered, closing my eyes and dispelling the phantom touch running along my spine to the slight curve of my lower back. It had been swift but unbearably gentle the way he had touched me. And if I were honest, it did things to my body that left my thighs trembling with unresolved yearning for more. More of what I wasn’t quite sure. Quite honestly, I wasn’t really sure what these overpowering desires were; only that they were foreign and definitely not something a princess of the In-Between realm, who was currently betrothed to another, should be harboring for the Guardian escort she barely knew.

  Bernard got quickly and happily to his feet, shaking his clothes of dirt and grinning at the horizon as I kept my stare from straying back to where he posed with hands on his hips and a smug smile.

  My thoughts strayed elsewhere, surprisingly not on the demon we had just fought, but instead on something that truly felt of greater importance to me at the moment.

  I wanted so badly to demand why he had kissed me. I knew it would probably be worse to know the truth behind his actions. But I was so desperate to determine what it all could possibly mean, this ongoing pull that was between us. Something in which I knew we both felt. Something had definitely changed in the way Bernard looked at me since we kissed, though it had only been a short time ago.

  Still, I wanted to demand his reason. And if I were being candid, I wanted him to do it again. I wanted to feel his lips pressed into mine a second time to fully realize this lure that continued to draw me back to him over and over, and to cement whatever it was I felt since meeting the strangely exuberant man-beast Guardian.

  It was a desire I couldn’t dispel no matter what I tried.

  “I can’t wait for you to meet Pavel, princess,” Bernard started to say, appearing beside me and startling me from my spiraling thoughts, “He’s going to lose it over you and want you all for himself, but you’re all mine, right?”

  So, the man he cared for was named Pavel? Perhaps meeting Pavel would somehow shed light onto what Bernard might possibly feel for me.

  I spun the massive sword I carried, causing the Guardian’s Adam’s apple to bob before I attached the weapon to my back and ignored how ridiculous I probably seemed wearing a sword and a pretty pink dress. My blue magic wafted into the air, snaking around my body and giving the Guardian beside me a reason to stare as the massive weapon disappeared with the concealment charm I placed on it.

  I glanced at him, nodding curtly, as was often my way when speaking with my warriors. “Lead the way, Bernard.”

  “Bernie,” he corrected, recoiling with a mischievous laugh when he thought I might draw my blade on him.

  He was too bloody cute!

  And really, I knew at this stage that very little I did would rectify the way he spoke to me. Instead, my inner self was absolutely tickled that he tried so hard to gain my favor in such things one way or another, despite the brutal blows he had received on a frequent basis as a result.

  Thinking for a moment, I sighed and kept my eyes to the horizon as the wind blew the skirt of my dress against my bare legs and calf-high boots. Silver eyes scanned the colors along horizon of swaying grass and trees, taking it all in for the moments we stood stagnant against its beauty. Bracing myself for what I was about to do, my body grew incredibly tense. But denying it would be impossible now. I couldn’t refute what was clearly there anymore.

  He had charmed me, irrevocably.

  “Bernie,” I said softly, clearing my throat and daring a glance at the Guardian, “Lead the way, please.”

  His jaw went completely lax and his gorgeous eyes were illuminated with overt astonishment. Standing in a perpetual state of disbelief and elation, Bernie—formerly Bernard—removed his hat and placed it against his chest, inhaling short gulps of air as if he were unable to adequately catch his breath.

  But probably most striking about Bernie in that moment was the shirt he currently wore, which I noticed he had changed somewhere along the way. It simply stated, “I kissed a girl and I liked it.”

  It took every ounce of willpower not to both violently beat the self-proclaimed cowboy senseless and giggle at his tactless genius. Neither of which I’d be able to do when I was currently standing and awaiting the sure to be loud proclamation after I’d uttered his self-imposed nickname for the first time since meeting him.

  “You…oh my stars! I think I just fell madly and deeply in love with you, Nyla. I didn’t think it was possible, but it is. I’m your slave. I burn for you. I pine, my queen. Come on then, make an honest woman of me,” he said breathlessly, going to a knee beside me.

  Despite his perplexing statement, my heart was palpitating roughly inside of my chest as my own name was uttered with his husky, jubilant baritone. Though I knew the words held little meaning to the flirtatious Guardian, they still made my stomach flutter relentlessly and heart beat with renewed vigor to what they insinuated. Even if said by someone who, more than likely, said them to a great many women.

  I was too far gone.

  Turning my head quickly and ignoring the telling heat in my cheeks, I walked ahead of the evidently flabbergasted Guardian to distance myself from him. But truthfully, from the feelings he was drawing out of me with his every word and action. There was no hopeful return to my previous self where he was concerned. Not slowly, and certainly not quickly. I had fallen under his spell.

  Forgive me, Brother, of my current and assured future transgressions…


  “Oh, Pavel, hold me!” Bernie shouted girlishly, wrapping himself around the equally large man who had greeted us only moments before, outside the place we promised to meet. “It’s been too long, sweetums. Oh! You grew your hair out a bit. Bernie likes.”

  The pale-haired, blue-eyed man of tremendous beauty and equivalent strength leered at Bernie, who still clung to his arm and squeezed it with a happy little sigh. The strangely beautiful Guardian wore a simple black shirt and pants, clean and form-fitted to his body so
that every toned muscle in his massive torso was exposed. He was gleaming and sun-kissed in the dimming light of the world around us, adding even more beauty to his already enticing appearance.

  He was clearly a formidable man in both body and ability by the sheer, near-blinding illumination of his pale eyes. Which was to be expected, considering it was their explicit duty to protect and wield their gifts against the Dark. Only the truly powerful protectors would reach the level of Promiscus Guardians, from what I had been told by Brother only a short time ago, after his experience with them. This man was no exception as his power electrified the air around us.

  “You never change, Bernie,” was all the blue-eyed Guardian said in greeting, fixing his gorgeous eyes to me and offering a striking smile that would have any woman offering herself to him at the mere sight of it.

  My Guardian escort, whose shirt had since been changed to say “Your Sexy Southern Stalker,” fluttered his eyelashes at the beautiful Guardian beside him, smacking the looming man’s shoulder with a cute giggle. “Is that your way of saying you missed me, you old charmer you? I missed you too, dearest.”

  Their exchange was, to say the very least, incredibly amusing to watch from where I stood, though I’d never admit to that being the case verbally. And inside, where my inner self was charged by all the handsome Guardians, I was giggling and utterly mesmerized by their interaction. One would never find its like in my realm; at least not in court where that sort of talk and insinuation of male intimacy was met with scorn and seclusion.

  Though Pavel’s beauty was undeniable, his masculinity evident in the taut, powerful muscle shaping his torso and arms, Bernie’s massive build that was masked more often by the clothing he chose to wear and the signature enthusiasm were much more appealing to me. His personality became him in a way that no other man could ever come close to in all my acquaintances over the years. Nor would this man. Simply, there wasn’t a man who existed in my world that outshined the brilliant quality Bernie radiated.

  Perhaps it was that in the few moments of being in the Guardian, Pavel’s presence that I knew he was extremely aware of his looks and their effect on others, and used them consequently to his advantage. And much like the men as well as the women in my kingdom, he felt less attractive to me as a result. If it was one thing I found fault in with Yaniv, it was that he, too, used his appearance to take advantage of others—mainly the women in court.

  Projected self-importance and wielding one’s beauty as a way of gaining favor or power over others had always been somewhat of a sore spot for me. Not that I felt he did it on purpose, but it did appear he was aware that he was significantly more attractive than most. Whatever the case, I found my gaze straying back over to Bernie every chance I was given without seeming impolite to the new Guardian.

  I had to keep my mouth shut and not verbally question Bernie at the undeniable implication of their relationship with the clearly intimate exchange, which insinuated much more than friendship to those who didn’t know any better. Particularly to myself who had seen the face of male intimacy through my brother, Vlad’s, conquests.

  If Bernie hadn’t kissed me earlier that day—as much as it still gave me conflicting emotions just admitting it had occurred—I’d be convinced that he was affectionate towards men. Granted, one could hold an affection for both, so it didn’t quite mean he wasn’t. Thus, I simply watched on silently, chest suddenly heavy, body stiff and unmoving as an outside party to their obviously close relationship.

  The self-proclaimed cowboy cleared his throat, disentangling himself from the new Guardian with a sheepish smile my direction. “This here is the princess. Princess Nyla of the Spiritum Bellatorum,” he said with a lift to his chin, growing more arrogant with every passing second.

  He leaned toward the pale-eyed stranger, hand over his mouth in order to shield it, as if the very action would somehow stop me from hearing what he said next.

  It didn’t.

  “She’s mine, so no touchy-touchy,” he whispered, winking at the blonde stranger. “Besides, her strength is no joke. My backside has met the floor way too many times to count.”

  I shifted with sudden agitation, not in the least bit happy that the Guardian was expressing me in a bad light to the stranger he called friend. The glint of my unconcealed blade caught the dimming sunlight, a clear threat in the sudden illumination. Bernie giggled, scooting closer to his friend and peering at me, almost halfway concealed by the new man standing with a beaming smile aimed at me. I couldn’t quite punish Bernie in front of the new Guardian until I determined how it would be received.

  Not that it mattered. Bernie was taking liberties and saying whatever he wished because he had this new Guardian to hide behind. But I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t cute.

  It was bloody adorable.

  “A printsessa?” the new Guardian questioned with a raised eyebrow, whose gleaming light eyes and pale hair reminded me oddly of Anric, though my teacher of all things battle would never smile as much as this new Guardian did. “Bernie! You caught one!”

  The beautiful man stepped eagerly towards me, an arm outstretched as he attempted to encircle my body with it. Reminiscing briefly of my first encounter with Bernie, I almost gleefully evaded him, slipping soundlessly underneath his arm and twirling deftly to the spot just behind him. Before I could land a kick on his backside, however, the new Guardian was facing me and blocking my foot with his rigid arm, an abrupt sparkle igniting inside blue irises.

  “Oh yes, she’s a keeper,” he proclaimed loudly, taking Bernie around the neck and shaking him with an excited laugh, “She almost got me.”

  Bernie smiled proudly. “She gets me every time.”

  Not quite sure that was something Bernie should be boasting. However, it was also not entirely out of character for the clearly masochistic man-beast to say. None of it mattered as I was currently in a state of shock with how easily Pavel matched my unparalleled speed, staring at the two in a rigid state of confusion.

  Bested and unable to retort without being rude to a man I barely knew, I then ignored the exchange as I peered around the area and estate I was brought to. Nothing seemed extraordinary about this particular estate. It was rather homely, much like the last, but not quite as lavish or as large as the first. Still, it would do quite nicely.

  Before I could walk off towards it though, my arm was caught and I very nearly broke the offender’s hand before Bernie was catching me around the waist and stopping me with brute strength and locking our bodies together at the middle.

  Jaw clenched, I looked up the length of him with scorn in my eyes, especially after his wayward touch earlier. He quickly released me, arms raised up in surrender, and then he was scratching the back of his neck and thumbing behind him at Pavel, who chuckled quietly into his fist.

  “We aren’t going in there, princess. Can’t. Actually, shouldn’t. There would be all hell to pay,” Bernie rambled to my growing confusion, “Besides, the sooner we get to the place your brother was last seen, the better.”

  Conceding with a nod, I followed the two the opposite direction. I glanced over my shoulder, feeling something amiss behind me. For a brief moment, I thought I’d caught sight of a flash of white and red, but it was gone before I could hone in on the spot I’d seen it. I turned, finding that both men had stalled to look at me. Pavel was looking around us, fingering through his messy pale hair with a slightly perplexed expression.

  “Feel that?” Pavel asked Bernie shortly.

  Bernie tracked back to where I stood and took my hand, startling me as I attempted to shake it away. “Let’s go, princess. The beasts come out at night.”

  Not quite sure what he meant, I slipped past him and Pavel. Something told me that Bernie knew exactly what the other Guardian spoke of and what I’d seen, but for some reason, he didn’t openly say so. Seeing no reason to pry, I let Pavel lead the way to wherever it was that my brother had last been seen.


  “You’re such
a stud, Pavel,” Bernie cooed over the loud throb of music and loud conversation in the air.

  Humans roamed the streets around the establishment, many of them collected in groups around the outside, talking and leading oblivious lives to the lurking danger. The electrical charge to the air was ominous and made my hands clench and unclench with the desire to unsheathe my sword and attack the nearest Dark entity.

  But I’d been dressed in an outfit I would often be forced to wear in court, the dark fabric hugging every curve of my body and stopping at the top of my thighs. Thin shorts beneath hid equally thin blades, the cold metal warming with my skin. My knee-high, silver-buckled boots harbored a similar, cleverly concealed weaponry and were just as deadly as the blades they hid. A few shiny, assorted accessories completed the ensemble for the evening. Of course, my magically concealed sword that was the length of my body was strapped to my back, because I never fought without it. My chest was being painfully cinched with a black corset that laced up the front of my upper torso and left my chest bare and bursting from the top. My milky flesh had drawn quite a few stares from nearby men. Especially the two standing beside me, their luminous eyes cloaking none of their overt appreciation of my ample, barely-covered bosom.

  But in the previous discussion of my chosen attire with the two, apparently, this was what vixens in this world wore to lure their prey. It was neither my place to argue or seek further explanation. One must do whatever must be done to achieve their mission.

  The pulse of lights and pound of music that carried out to the street from within the large building was a magnet for many that looked similar to myself. My outfit, amazingly enough, wasn’t the most revealing of the night, by my quick once over of the awaiting line of human men and women hugged up to the stone wall of the establishment we were hoping to enter ourselves.