Bernie (Guardians In Love Book 3) Read online

Page 24

  Relief washed through me upon seeing the sweet smile on Yaniv’s face, completely awestricken that Bernie had accomplished to not only have Anric under his spell, but my eldest brother as well. The mere act of gaining favor to such a degree with Yaniv was a feat on its very own. And that Bernie had won over my rigid, no-nonsense tutor as well, it was an unprecedented feat.

  And although I wasn’t exactly elated as to the reason they first bonded, I couldn’t hide how happy I was that the two most important people in my life enjoyed each other’s company.

  Bernie clasped his hands over his heart, fluttering his eyelashes prettily. “I’d be anything for you, dearest brother.”

  “All I ask is that the details of your relationship with my little sister are left unsaid,” Yaniv said with a smirk, gaze flitting over to me and eagerly awaiting my reaction.

  Silently berating my older brother, my jaw tautened as his laughing eyes held mine with not the least bit of shame inside their depths.


  Yaniv was very obviously enjoying himself at my expense, particularly with my reactions growing more expressive with each slight aimed at my connection with Bernie. While I didn’t relish in his having fun on my and Bernie’s account, I did feel sort of comforted in knowing that it was as a result of no longer being expected to marry Anric.

  It was all because I’d met Bernie, and for that I was truly grateful. I may have never found another reason to sever my betrothal to Anric if I wasn’t so taken with the Guardian. Although I still felt guilty that it had hurt a dear friend in the process, I was hoping that one day Anric would find someone that returned the same kind of affection as he held for them. Maybe then he might see that we were never meant to be and this had all been for the betterment of our futures.

  Honestly, I was still reeling after declaring I wanted to be with Bernie. Well, not out loud, because my brother hadn’t given me the chance to. But my intention to return with the Guardian to the mortal realm was understood well enough to somehow sever the betrothal I had with Anric—a betrothal I’d been held to my entire life.

  To be quite honest, it all felt sort of anti-climactic considering how long I’d been a slave to my father’s expectations that I marry and carry out my duties as a woman to the crown. While I very much wished to have children, I wanted them on my own terms. It was a silent wish I carried in my heart since I was told I must marry Anric.

  Marrying him had only felt less daunting because of who he was and how he valued me. I knew he wouldn’t pressure me, even in the event that we never had children. Still, it was a true relief that I wouldn’t have to suffer through the confliction of my duty as a wife and what my heart truly wanted.

  “Do you have information on this high-demon you suspect killed our brother?” Yaniv inquired suddenly, drawing me out of my thoughts.

  Recovering, I nodded. “I can track him.”

  “What? You can?!” Bernie asked loudly, drawing my brother’s amused stare. My Guardian sheepishly scratched the back of his head and coughed. “I mean, how will you be able to?”

  Yaniv’s smile brightened while I answered Bernie seriously. “I tasted his blood.” Bernie’s nose scrunched as I smiled derisively, unhappy to relive the memory of how I managed to get that blood. “With our magic, I can track him through his blood.”

  “Gross,” Bernie mumbled, smacking his lips with distaste.

  “Clever girl,” Yaniv remarked proudly, smirking, “How is it that you managed to get a high-demon’s blood, I wonder.”

  I shuddered in the brief recollection of the demon’s unwanted kiss as Bernie’s face drew down, obviously remembering the event as well. “It’s not important, Brother.”

  “Evidently not,” Yaniv retorted, leaning back into his chair calmly, “I can only imagine the reason he seeks you. But humor me, dear sister, for what purpose does he desire you for himself?”

  Bernie was unnaturally quiet as he crossed his arms and watched me from where he sat, letting me say what needed to be said. It was moments like these that Bernie showed just how truly perceptive he was. It was obvious that he gathered this wasn’t an opportunity to interject, and so he stayed patiently quiet while I gathered my thoughts and figured out how best to address the issue at hand.

  Yaniv would be angry, that much I knew. Though he and I both greatly cared for Vlad, the fact of the matter was, our brother had betrayed us in every way he could. Going as far as to speak of a secret so well kept that even the majority of court was unaware of its existence. My secret power, one that could very easily give many who sought to do evil the ability to do so with great advantage, was very likely already being spoken of in the Underworld. My life would forever be in danger if I didn’t put a stop to the demon who knew of it.

  I exhaled shortly before smiling at my brother. His eyes danced over my face for a moment, his expression growing more intense the longer I left him waiting.

  “Vlad told them…” I breathed in, “—about my ability.”

  Yaniv’s pale eyes flashed dangerously, flushed anger flooding into his cheeks before he was rising to his feet. “Does anyone else know of the ability?”

  Bernie watched us silently as I shook my head. “Not that I am aware, but I do not know of who the demon engaged in such matters after it was known.”

  “Then you must end him,” Yaniv said resolutely. “Destroy any person, creature or human, who would use it against you, and do it quickly. You have my permission to disclose your ability and all that comes with it to the angel named Simon, but only to him. Any other would be at our joint discretion. I assume you are aware of my sister’s unspoken abilities, Bernie?”

  “Not all of them, your majestic majesty,” Bernie replied, slightly guarded.

  His address of my brother only grew more interesting each time the Guardian spoke, and that was clearly amusing my brother as he regarded Bernie with a raise to one eyebrow before letting his gaze track back to where I sat with hands clasped onto my lap, uncomfortably stiff-backed.

  Finally, my brother nodded his permission, relieving the tension in my body. “If you mean to be with him, Sister, then you would do well to tell him everything there is to know.”

  “Yes,” I replied breathlessly.

  The static in the air sparked violently as Yaniv regarded Bernie in a commanding manner. “Keep her safe. I cannot begin to express how dear she is to me. But from what I have already perceived about you, Guardian, you are an incredible protector and will see that no harm comes to her. Do not make me regret having put my faith in you.”

  Bernie stood up, all of the usual humor replaced with a confidence befitting a king. “I’ll make sure no one hurts her, your goodliness, sire. I promise that I’d sooner die than let her suffer even the slightest injury.”

  “Good man,” Yaniv said, patting Bernie’s shoulder much like he was prone to do with his most trusted men before my brother exhaled deeply, content.

  “You are free to leave any time you wish. The sooner, the better in my astute opinion. But should you need to rest, there is no need to stand upon ceremony. Feel free to use Nyla’s chambers for however long you wish. However, the longer you dwell in our realm, the more time passes in the other.”

  “You are so magnanimous, Mister King, sir,” Bernie said, curtsying awkwardly and making my brother, who very rarely laughed, chuckle heartily before he touched my face in an affectionate farewell and then swiftly depart his personal chambers.

  With his absence, my entire being relaxed. I stood from my seat, noticing Bernie’s hand held out to me as I fixed my clothing and reclaimed my cool indifference. Amber eyes were upon me, a smile touching my Guardian’s lips as he watched me intently.

  “May I escort you wherever you wish to go, milady?”

  My brow rose sarcastically before I surrendered to his charming smile and rested my hand on his. His grin broadened as his hand clasped mine and he jerked me towards him, slipping his other arm around my waist and pinning my body to his.

/>   Head bent, Bernie stole a kiss that reignited a passion that was always simmering just beneath the surface. I gasped into his mouth, unable to do more than let him kiss me as Bernie’s hand cradled the back of my neck and drew me harder into the kiss.

  Suddenly aware of just where we were, my hands planted onto his chest and I shoved him with all my strength. Incredibly, he didn’t budge at all as his tongue plundered my mouth possessively and slowly sapped the fight from me. Pushing again, I jerked my head to the right and sucked in a sharp breath as Bernie’s mouth latched onto my neck, nibbling along the throbbing jugular.

  “Bernard!” I called in a much less authoritative voice than I’d intended, “My brother’s…this isn’t the place for such things!”

  Bernie chuckled, giving my body a squeeze before he took hold of my face and turned it back to his. “Think that’s going to stop this cowboy from kissing and loving you tenderly through the night, princess? ‘Cause it ain’t.”

  Inside, I fangirled with glee at how horribly attractive Bernie was when he got this way. But I knew it would only be a matter of time before we were discovered if we stayed in my brother’s chambers—a place frequented by Anric and women alike. More importantly, we needed to return to the mortal world and do what needed to be done.

  I glared heatedly at him as my heart pounded. “We must get back to your world.”

  Bernie pouted cutely, snuggling up close to me and kissing my cheek before resting his head on mine. “Can’t we just spend a little time together? I mean, we just declared our love for one another, and your brother gave us his blessing! This is the part where you and I declare that love with our bodies all through the night, and maybe even a bit into the morning if you’re still fixin’ for this cowboy.”

  I tugged his ear hard enough to get a squeal, causing the large man to loosen his hold just enough for me to escape and collect my sword, which was propped up against the wall near the door leading back out to the hallway. His eyes widened as I rested it on my shoulder with one hand and landed the other hand on my hip, my berating stare narrowed on him.

  “I love it when you get all adorably macho on me, princess. Gives me all kinds of shivery feelings.”

  How sweet was he!

  “We haven’t the time to dawdle, Bernie.” I steeled myself against all the handsome charm he was projecting at me as I sheathed my massive weapon, securing it onto my back. “This ability of mine would have the entire Dark world seeking me out. We need to kill the demon before he discloses it to any other.”

  Bernie’s smile faded as he retrieved his hat and put it onto his head, readjusting his large buckle belt, which was looped through his signature denims. “Well, why didn’t you just say so, princess? Come on then, let’s get this rodeo started!”


  “So, what’s this ability of yours?” Bernie asked as we entered a safe house of his choosing to wait until daybreak in order to seek Simon for permission to go after the demon.

  I hadn’t much of a chance to relax since our leaving the kingdom, as it had been difficult to field the ongoing questions from my brothers as to how I could ‘fail to bring brother back alive.’ I neither cared enough to answer nor felt it was their business to know. Simply, I had escaped court without a backwards glance, Bernie trailing beside me as I rid myself of every vile thought derived in the presence of my arrogant, always belittling older brothers, Helson and Claude.

  It was their mission in life to be better than any other, me included. Not that they could come even a fraction close to my skill on the battlefield, but neither cared for physical shows of strength. Rather, like many of those in court, Helson and Claude liked to believe themselves exceedingly more clever than anyone else. Save Yaniv, who clearly outwitted them without any real effort put forth. Still, I had learned over the years that paying them any mind was a waste of time, so I ignored them to my best ability whenever they targeted me.

  It was quite interesting how Bernie had tipped his hat to one and then the other, giving both my brothers a shock somehow that silenced them when he had uttered his goodbye. I hadn’t been given a chance to peer at Bernie’s face or hear the words he had spoken because I was preoccupied with another subject. But whatever he had done, it made my brothers desist altogether and leave without another word.

  “My ability?” I repeated, half-listening.

  Bernie tilted his head sideways, putting his beautiful face into view and drawing my gaze over. “You seem a little preoccupied, darling. Was it those two brothers of yours? What were their names…Herbert and Clown?”

  Herbert and Clown?

  Giggles exploded from me without time to stifle them as I shook my head, covering my mouth to keep any more laughter from escaping. “Helson and Claude,” I corrected, eyeing Bernie reproachfully before taking a sip of the hot chocolate he had given me just before taking a seat next to me on the sofa.

  “Yeah, those two. Thinking about them?”

  Sighing, I rubbed my thumb absently over the smooth, glossy surface of the cup I held. “I admit, they were on my mind, but not for the reasons you might think. I have grown accustomed to hearing their slights against my ability to govern and carry out missions for Big Brother, so it does not bother me in the least. I was merely curious as to what you said to them to make them retreat so quickly.”

  Bernie’s eyes danced happily as he eased in closer and put his arm around the back of the couch. “Curious?” I nodded, observing his expression closely. “I’ll tell you for a kiss.”

  I shoved his grinning face away, taking another sip from my cup. “When is the soonest we can leave on the morrow to speak with Simon?”

  Lower lip pushed out, Bernie snuggled into my body, somehow managing to make his massive size small enough that he could cuddle into my side with a cute pout aimed up at me. “Not even one, itsy-bitsy wittle kiss? How about a hug? This cowboy would tell you anything if you just wrap your arms around my shoulders and give them a little squeeze.”

  Scowling, I waited for Bernie to answer my question. He huffed a small breath before chuckling. Taking the cup from my hands, he set it on the small table near our legs and took hold of me before I had a chance to grasp what he intended to do. Bernie had me on his lap before I could breathe, his arms imprisoning me with all their strength as his nose touched mine and our breaths mingled between us.

  “Be honest, princess. You don’t want to talk about all that boring stuff. Right now, you want this cowboy to kiss you.”

  Oh, did I.

  Trembling, I shook my head obstinately, making my Guardian laugh softly. His arms constricted as his mouth ghosted over mine, the friction shocking my body stiff. My eyes fluttered closed, indulging for a singular, intoxicating second in the sensation of his body.

  Seeing an opportunity, Bernie’s hand entangled into my loose hair, which I’d taken down shortly after we had arrived, and brought our lips together in a tender kiss that robbed my body of every ounce of strength it harbored.

  Unable to deny myself any longer, I sucked his lower lip into my mouth and nibbled. The startled groan gave me courage as I slid my lower half forward and straddled Bernie, encircling his shoulders and drawing him harder into the kiss. His fingers tightened almost painfully within my hair, while his other hand flew to my hip to keep it from moving against him. The pulsating hardness between my legs suggested that Bernie was raring to go without anything else being done, but the part of myself that was still fixated on finding the demon was giving me pause.

  I knew I’d gotten my brother’s permission to be with Bernie, but could I really just throw caution to the wind and have my way with him only days after losing a dear brother and suffering the effects of a fight with a high-demon?

  Bernie drew away from the kiss, his head falling back as he let out a deep, shuddering sigh. “You weren’t supposed to get me all excited like this. Now I’m never going to find out what your brother was talking about until after I’ve had at least three rounds with you.”

>   My lips lifted with self-satisfaction. “What do you mean when you say I wasn’t supposed to, Bernie? It was you who initiated it all.”

  Bernie groaned when my hips moved against him, my smirk growing in response. “You were supposed to hit me or shove me off. Not ride me like a cowgirl and make all my blood drain right out of my head.”

  I leaned forward, whispering into his ear and making the man beneath me quiver. “You said so yourself. Why not ignore our responsibilities for the night? No sense in concerning ourselves with them when we haven’t rested properly.”

  His hand squeezed my hip as amber eyes glowed vibrantly the second they opened, already completely transformed. “You’re doing this on purpose, ain’t ya, darling?”

  My entire body felt electrified, moving where it felt the most sensation. I had noticed it the last time, but once this feeling started, there was very little to bring me out of it. It was as if a primal urge would take over the second my body was aroused, throwing logical thought and common sense to the side in order to taste euphoria.

  Though I’d heard of it spoken lightly by my brother, I never truly comprehended the power arousal held over someone. It was as if I couldn’t stop myself from seeking pleasure. Pleasure that I knew only Bernie could give to me.

  “And if I were? Doing it on purpose, that is,” I asked, licking the shell of Bernie’s ear and enjoying the way his body hardened against me in shock.

  Bernie was panting as his hand slipped up underneath my shirt and his lips brushed over the column of my neck, almost as if he couldn’t help himself. “I’d say that I don’t stand one lick of a chance against you.”

  He was seriously too adorable for his own good.

  “I would have to agree.” I kissed his ear and shivered as his fingers traced each notch along my spine until they rested just between my shoulder blades. “Should we retire to the bedroom?”

  Bernie’s laughter was breathless as he kissed my cheek and then pulled back to kiss my nose before planting a final, gentle kiss on my lips. “I sometimes wonder which one of us is the tiger.”