Bernie (Guardians In Love Book 3) Read online

Page 26

  A troll, which were predominately Dark creatures, taking charge in the Guardians? Not to mention, Myra was very clearly a Fade, which were never Light from my dealings and, more often than not, employed by high-demons.

  Fades had a rare ability to steal another’s essence, to the point of being capable of ending another’s life. Even angels could be overcome by it. In our realm, Fades were often referred to as the Devil’s children because their appearance was as innocent as a child’s.

  I was intrigued already.

  The team leader, Vedric, came stumbling forward. His eyes were a bright yellow and round, his nose pointed and long, and his fiery red hair defied gravity while his beard grew out nearly the length of his body the opposite direction. However, despite his size, his large hammer he carried easily moved with him. His armor clattered loudly over the tile as he knelt down, swiftly capturing my hand, and kissed it with a sigh leaving his lips.

  “My Princess,” he started in a deep voice, seemingly affected by emotion, “Your beauty and poise…is both beautiful and postured.”

  I heard an audible groan as the one called Bastian, who was very clearly of vampiric origins, smacked his forehead, as though entirely put out before the troll had fully uttered what he intended to say.

  “Not with this absolute bollocks again,” Bastian whispered to the woman giggling beside him, her pure white hair and purple eyes what had originally given her away from the start.

  Very rarely was it seen in any other creature other than a Fade—the shadows of the Underworld.

  The massive man, similarly sized to my longtime teacher, was something I couldn’t initially peg. However, the faint scales hidden from a less keen eye had me guessing he was an In-Between realmer like myself. Probably a Dragon Spirit by the looks of his powerful, muscle-infused form and stoic demeanor. A creature that was occupied by the spirit of a great dragon spirit, to which they were capable of calling upon. They would transform either partially or fully into the dragon that inhabited their soul.

  Though, I couldn’t be entirely sure until I saw him in combat. But from the mix of this Guardian group, I was curious to know more about how they had come to be part of the Promiscus Guardians.

  “Shut it,” the troll grumbled, scowling at the vampire over his shoulder before beaming a smile back up at me. He was absolutely ridiculous. “Your eyes are as silver as a spoon. Your hair…as pink as…a wad of chewy bubblegum.”

  “Oh, make him stop,” Bastian groaned loudly as Simon covered his own mouth with his hand while Bernie pouted next to me, clearly not happy I was being complimented by the unusual troll.

  “Vedric,” Simon called out as I continued to let the scruffy creature serenade me; something in which I would have punished if I weren’t in his care and in the presence of the Chief of the Promiscus Guardians.

  My royal breeding was immaculate in circumstances like these.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you, Vedric,” I said smoothly, laughter building as his yellow irises flashed with sparkling delight.

  His other hand, the one that wasn’t holding mine hostage, fisted as he bit his knuckles momentarily before returning his stare to me, undeniably enchanted. “I am your love slave!”

  My what?

  “Hey now,” Bernie interjected quickly, taking hold of my shoulders and attempting to distance me bodily from the troll leader, “Not so fast, little buddy.”

  Vedric’s eyes flashed again, but this time with barely contained rage. “What did you just call me, you hat-wearing ass—”

  Simon cleared his throat, instantly silencing the growling troll. Vedric grumbled under his breath, coughing into his hand and eyeing Bernie hotly before retreating. I was beside myself with amusement as his small body ambled lightly over the floor like it wasn’t weighed down by the heaviest armor in existence, knowing it by the coloration of the metal. He hobbled angrily until he was lined up with the rest of his team.

  Bastian bowed respectfully in reverence but said nothing more as he stood beside the other three in his group. Zane had said nothing at all, his silent regard refreshing. I didn’t expect him to speak. I was not his princess, and he struck me as a man that only bowed to those who he acknowledged, and not those of us who were given titles.

  “You’re absolutely stunning!” the woman cried out, appearing before me in a blink. A Fade’s ability to teleport was unparalleled, though I vaguely wondered if I might match it. “You must be so tired of all these stuffy men folk. Feel free to stay by my side tonight.”

  I nodded, silently assessing her for perceivable abilities as she spoke. Knowing the Guardians, I was sure that she would prove to be a capable and proficient fighter, but I was absently sizing up her power and strength. It was simply a natural part of my meeting anyone capable of fighting by any means, whether friend or foe.

  I already knew that she likely controlled Fade mist, and had even seen for myself that her speed was clearly superior to most. But I could also perceive a great many other characteristics in her form that spoke of her particular skills and abilities whilst fighting.

  She favored her right side and employed many different weapons, some dual. While slight in frame, she was strong and probably slightly superior to most in that as well. All-in-all, it would be exhilarating to fight alongside another woman on the battlefield, and I found myself growing perky with the prospects.

  “These will be your companions on your venture to find the high-demon. I am otherwise occupied tonight, but I trust that with the collection of your powers, strength, and remarkable talents, one high-demon will pose very little threat. Is that not correct, Vedric?” Simon tossed the troll an inquiring look before Vedric stiffened. Then, straight-backed, he saluted the angel clumsily.

  “No problem, sir! I’ll kick that demon’s ass,” Vedric proclaimed confidently, shaking his fist through the air in silent rally.

  Simon shook his head, sighing with resignation. “Language, Vedric. You forget the princess is among us.”

  “How could I ever forget such a beautiful rose as her, sir?” Vedric asked in all seriousness.

  Thankfully, last time it had been mentioned, I was so overcome by curiosity that I had done a quick internet search on the cell phone Bernie had forced me to carry and discovered that a rose was a fragrant, often romance-related flower in this realm. Its reference was likely a way to court me, I quickly deduced.

  I was barely holding it together, very close to giggling at the relentlessly ridiculous troll leader.

  Bernie’s amber eyes shot over to me as I lifted my hand to my mouth, feigning a cough as a giggle slipped out. “Don’t tell me…no, it can’t be true.” Bernie’s entire face fell with dismay. “Say it ain’t so, darling! You’re all mine, right? He can’t have you. I ain’t sharing!”

  Bernie looked genuinely worried, his brow creasing as he watched me closely. “I know his poems are real clever, and his smile is charming. And yeah, he’s got some pretty awesome hair and armor. Nice weapon, too…”

  The troll could never charm me the way Bernie did. Just his rambling alone made me wish we were somewhere private so that I could embrace him tightly and kiss his sweet, pouty face.

  Instead, I recovered from the momentary slip and watched my Guardian quietly as he went on, pout intensifying the longer he recognized what he believed to be potentially appealing qualities about the troll leader.

  Bastian appeared to grow more physically ill the longer Bernie rambled on about Vedric’s charm. “Another imbecile, really? We would be lucky to survive at all tonight.”

  Myra, having returned to her post beside him, giggled and gracefully brushed the white hair from her gorgeous face.

  “Bernard,” Simon called out shortly, unsuccessfully deterring the Guardian because Bernie was quickly taking hold of my hand, pleading me.


  “Have you located him, or will my abilities be required?” I asked Simon, making Bernie’s shoulders sink.

  “Denied,” Bastia
n uttered.

  Myra nodded. “A magnificent refusal.”

  “Didn’t even hesitate,” Zane added, speaking out for the first time.

  Vedric’s eyes sparkled as he shifted the hammer between his shoulder blades. “I think she likes me.”

  “Delusional,” Bastian said instantly.

  Myra laughed, shaking her head. “Completely.”

  “He should probably give up,” Zane added, an almost sympathetic look aimed Vedric’s direction, causing my eyes to shoot over, “She was holding back from beating him earlier when he took her hand.”

  Bastian’s lips upturned with amusement as Vedric’s face fell. “How utterly divine!”

  “Pale bastard,” Vedric grumbled.

  I was instantly wishing to be a part of their group, because I felt like I would definitely enjoy myself every minute of every day in their company. Much like I did with Bernie.

  Simon’s eyes glowed vibrantly. “We have located him, thankfully. However, in order to set the trap, he must think you have come alone in hopes of seeking revenge. Can you play the part?”

  Simon had inquired with a serious face, but his eyes told me he had already seen through the charade of my outer persona. Like my brother, very little got past his all-seeing eyes, so there was no reason for me to dwell on what was lost. I had already come here with the intention of discarding my role as the princess I had once been—though that was much easier said than done.

  Eyes narrowed on the angel, I nodded curtly. “Of course.”

  His expression softened, a smile touching his lips. “Very good, Nyla. I trust you can lead the group from here?”

  Vedric’s eyes trailed from Simon to me, obviously confused. “Her?”

  “She was the Captain of the Spiritum Bellatorum army, is that not true, Nyla?”

  Feeling pride well up in my chest, I lifted my chin and regarded Simon with all the authority I owned. “It is.”

  “Definitely better to give up,” Myra agreed with Zane’s earlier statement.

  Bastian was smiling with his arms crossed over his black-clad chest. “Wait,” he said, his dark eyes suddenly harboring red, “Let him go after her. I’d like to see what she does to him.”

  “Darkness-dwelling bastard,” Vedric spat out, Simon having already disappeared without so much as a nod goodbye, “You itching for a fight?!”

  Bastian’s face was smug as Bernie took hold of my lax arm, trying to lead me out the other direction. “Actually, yes. It’s been quite a while since I’ve gotten to lay you flat on your small, itsy-bitsy back.”

  Vedric’s loud voice followed us as we took the door to the outside world. “You’re going to eat your words, vampire.”

  “Not as much as you’ll be eating dirt, troll.”


  The trap was set. Everyone had been given their task and set out earlier to take their positions. We were lucky enough that the high-demon hadn’t returned to the Underworld. Otherwise, our mission would have ended before it had begun.

  No one ventured to the Underworld. It was infinitely too risky and not worth the possible repercussions. Heading an army and specializing in tactical battle, I knew that going to the Underworld would be a failed endeavor, and I wasn’t about to risk the lives of men and women I didn’t know well enough to trust their ability to handle that sort of suicide mission. Not to mention, I was never reckless.

  Instead, the demon’s location was still in the mortal realm as I was sure he intended to seek me out once he was able. My disappearance to the In-Between realm was what had initially thrown him off, I imagine.

  Vedric had disclosed to us that the demon was, in fact, connected with the tigers and Danny—a benefactor of sorts—and had gained access to their lands through the invaluable resources he offered them with the solemn vow of their loyalty.

  The tigers under that loyalty were all over this land, so it was vital that we keep to the strategy, or we risked having to battle all of them alongside the demon. And in accordance with Simon’s wish to trap the demon who called himself Master, we needed to draw him out and away from the land where innocent people, who were forced to comply with their leader, were at risk of being harmed during our mission to capture and kill the high-demon we were after.

  Bernie was surprisingly silent as he waited beside me atop the hill overlooking the expanse of land; a place of which he had at one time called home. Darkness had cloaked most of it, but the speckling of lights from tents and homes flickered below when the trees would rustle with the moderate wind and expose them. Soon, once we knew that everyone was in position and ready, Bernie would leave to take his own position. I would be alone, and that very notion was surely the reason he was unnaturally silent.

  “The trap will work,” I whispered, feeling the strength of his worry permeating from him, “You will not be far.”

  “Something doesn’t feel right,” he admitted, tiger eyes searching the horizon, “I don’t like how easy this all feels.”

  I touched his arm, breathing through the anxious coil of my stomach. I knew that I was well trained, but I’d never dealt with a demon of this magnitude. The last time I’d faced the demon, he had successfully overcome me. I had to trust that my plan paired with Simon’s was several steps ahead of the demon’s. But I wasn’t impervious to the bud of doubt starting to take root in my stomach, knowing this was a powerful foe I faced head-on. A clever one, too.

  A whole number of things could go wrong tonight, but I knew the risks and trusted we would overcome them. I wanted to avenge Vlad, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried that my emotional response to the demon might lead to reckless mistakes.

  “It’s time.” Flashes of multicolored light appeared and disappeared from different points in the darkness, almost as if each burst of color had been an illusion.

  Bernie’s expression was grave as he turned towards me, taking hold of my arms. “Let’s fall back. It doesn’t feel right.”

  “Bernie,” I said gently, reaching up to him and pressing my lips boldly to his, “Go.”

  His intensity faltered before his hand took hold of the back of my neck and yanked me into a hard kiss. My body shuddered with the sudden passion before he was gone and I was left standing alone in the darkness. I couldn’t feel my Guardian at all, so I knew that he was far enough away by the time I turned back towards the expanse of land below.

  But just as I was ready to put the plan into motion, I felt the shift and spark ignite in the air; a sensation that instantly had me drawing my blade. I didn’t need to see him to know that he was there. It was every sensation of evil one could give off that struck me and made the hair on my body stand on end.

  “The little princess has returned,” the eerie voice said, red eyes appearing just ahead of me. But as I got ready to enact the first step of the trap, my eyes caught sight of the body he dragged alongside him through the dirt. “Lose something?”


  His limp form was bound by red magic, very clearly unconscious, though the small twitches and thrashes suggested he was still in pain even while he slept. My entire body froze as I internalized my fear while keeping my emotionless face firmly in place. The demon took another step, dragging Bernie carelessly, as if he were nothing more than trash. It struck my chest with such a terrible, debilitating pain that I could barely breathe through it.

  “You know what I can do with just the lift of my hand, don’t you, princess?” The demon’s red eyes taunted me, while his words kept me frozen in place. “He might be some sort of self-proclaimed king, but he’s no match for me when he’s unconscious. That’s all thanks to you, by the way. He was so worried about you that I think he didn’t go where he was supposed to.”

  I was watching the demon’s every movement as he monologued, waiting impatiently for an opening when I could strike at him. But, as expected, he was a step ahead and never left such an opening. I noticed belatedly that I was now visibly trembling from my concern over Bernie’s imminent future if
I didn’t somehow get him out of the demon’s clutches.


  “Oh, but you’re well trained, so I suppose you would never show a weakness. So, should I just—I don’t know—kill him right now?” Bernie’s lifeless body lifted from the ground, and I couldn’t stop myself, the blue and grey power burst from my quaking body in a great explosion of color.

  But the demon had easily rebuffed it, already holding my Guardian’s neck securely in his hand. I saw the beginnings of my Guardian regaining consciousness and knew I had to act quickly before Bernie took it upon himself to fight back.

  “I’ll go,” I said hastily, throwing my massive weapon to the floor to signal my surrender, “But only if you leave him.”

  “No dice, princess. If he’s not there, you will have no reason to stay and comply like a good little princess,” the demon, who was naturally blending in with the darkness, said as he lifted Bernie higher with the one hand.

  Bernie’s face was already paling and changing color from the slow suffocation. I walked forward, arms out to the demon to signify further surrender. “Take me then. You hurt him even slightly and I’ll use this power of mine on you before you can do anything more.”

  The demon’s smile was anything but sweet. “Very well.”

  “And not afterwards either,” I added with my voice even, coolly delivering the orders in spite of my trembling body. “You know I cannot be controlled. If you harm him, I will unleash my abilities on you, and I will kill you and everyone in your acquaintance. I’ll wipe them all out.”

  The demon’s smile remained. “My word is my promise.”

  My chest hurt. “And if it’s not, it’s your death.”

  “Come then,” the demon beckoned with a hand, releasing his hold on Bernie and summoning the portal that was sure to take us to the Underworld, “Finally, become my beautiful weapon to wield.”