Bernie (Guardians In Love Book 3) Read online

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  First to arrive after the pair was a man that was clearly some sort of were-beast by his stature and disposition. His tan skin was covered with intricate tattoos that weaved around the expose skin of his arms. His dark eyes lacked emotion, but I could perceive the kindness that floundered in brown eyes.

  He was accompanied surprisingly by a human woman, her brown hair and caramel eyes nothing extraordinary. However, she was clearly beautiful and kind. Something about the way she smiled at him insinuated a deeper relationship, perhaps even love, between them. I was unaware that relationships between Guardians and humans were sanctioned, but I gathered I’d be told to what end they were allowed.

  Victor smiled, motioning towards the man and woman I stood in front of. “That is Adan, who is temporarily working with another team, and Natalie, his beloved.”

  I nodded, sure that I would come to know more in the future. “An honor to meet you both.”

  Adan bowed his head as Natalie smiled brightly. “I look forward to working with you in the future,” was all he said. And though some might believe it was out of duty he said these words, I could tell from his expression that he genuinely meant what he said. It comforted that anxious part of myself that worried he didn’t accept my leadership.

  Next, there was a man and woman that arrived alongside each other, clearly related by their similar facial features, who were instantly stricken as soon as they laid their eyes on my silent form. Taking a deep breath, I walked over, hearing Bernie still fawn over Victor and Lilly—but from a distance. It almost made me laugh, but I managed to control myself enough to regard the collecting group with my usual indifference.

  “I am Nyla,” I greeted, my heart racing as the emerald-eyed pair watched me curiously.

  Their beauty was astounding, and I was very eager to know just what they might be. Something told me that they were part faerie. The woman spoke, her long auburn hair coming over her shoulders as her tight black dress that left nothing to the imagination wrinkled with the movement of her body. However, unlike the women at court, the attire didn’t appear overly sexualized in nature. Nothing about her looks suggested she was easy to catch, or one to even humor someone’s advances. From what I perceived of her, she was a woman that didn’t even humor love or romance at all.

  “Oh! I’m Cecile. This is my brother, Gustave. We are very happy to have you as our new leader,” she said eloquently, causing my pulse to suddenly race with admiration.

  Very few women I had met portrayed themselves with her grace and sincere regard, so I was immediately taken with her.

  The brother, Gustave, took my hand in greeting and kissed it. “Bonjour, mon ange. You are as beautiful and fierce as a rose.”

  Another rose reference. It must be a common greeting if so many spoke of it so naturally. But Gustave’s speech was cut short as Bernie quickly came over, just as Carl entered and the other two had wandered to where we stood.

  “Hands off, Frenchie. She’s mine,” Bernie said to everyone’s surprise, yanking my hand out of Gustave’s. But just as he took hold of me, he was hitting his back on the floor as I swiftly crouched down and took out his legs without thinking.

  Cecile’s eyes lit up as everyone in the room smiled and applauded. “She’s absolutely perfect,” Cecile declared when I got to my feet and glanced guiltily at Bernie as he recovered with a cough.

  “Holy smokes,” Bernie said, panting and getting to his feet with a jump, “You know just how to hurt me so good, princess.”

  I giggled, joining in the good humor of the room and feeling completely at home with the Guardians I had only just met. It was a feeling I never would have believed I’d feel with complete strangers, especially not ones that were clearly powerful. Not once had I felt welcomed to this degree in the kingdom I was born into.

  As I wordlessly watched the excited conversation around me, catching the silent greeting from Carl and the proud smile of the man I loved as he introduced me, boasting my abilities and strength, I was suddenly very hopeful for my future with the Promiscus Guardians.

  And my future with Bernie.



  It wasn’t something I could properly put into words, the emotions I felt when I woke up in the morning and gazed at the sweet face of my little sweetheart while she slept next to me, all cuddled up like the cute little darling she was.

  But what I knew was that I was the happiest man alive.

  Beautiful silver eyes fluttered—the very same ones that had struck me straight through my heart the first moment I laid my eyes on her beauty as she slowly walked through a field of golden grass. The dark lashes that had once rested against pale, perfectly smooth skin slowly rose, the glowing depths of her eyes finding mine in the seconds it took for her to wake. And I’ll tell you what, my tail was sure to be wagging something fierce when her lips twitched, slipping up into the prettiest, most gosh darn sweetest smile any man ever did see.

  I was foaming at the mouth just to tell her so.

  “You’re staring again,” she murmured, her cute voice wispy and soft like the gentle wind on a hot summer day. “Bernie?”

  “I’m just enchanted, darling,” I managed to get out past the pounding of my own heart. “Don’t mind me. Go on back to sleep if you want to.”

  Her smile was breathtaking as the abrupt, raspy sounds of her laughter lifted into the air and stabbed straight into my already overworked heart. “That’s ridiculous, Bernie. Today is the first day I have an opportunity to train with the team. I need to prepare.”

  Not if I had anything to do with it.

  My lips slid up into a naughty smile as I cuddled into her tiny, perfectly soft body and rubbed my unshaven cheek into her flawlessly smooth one. “Ain’t you forgetting something, darling?”

  Her sweet laughter was music to my ears. “And what’s that, Bernie?”

  “You’re supposed to love on sweetly to this here cowboy before you give anyone else any attention at all!” I demanded with my best pouting face, watching with rapture as her smile stole my heart for the millionth time.

  Her silky hair haloed her head as she laid under my larger body, letting me hold her and never shying away. Not like she had before. Everything in her expression sang the joy she felt. Even I knew it as I watched her lips move awkwardly with the intention to hide her smile. But nothing would hide her emotions from me. I was the all-seeing, all-knowing cowboy Guardian. I knew what was deep inside of her heart, because it matched what was in mine.


  She loved me. She had to. After everything, all the painstaking back and forth; living every day with the very idea of her belonging to another man; it made me downright greedy for every part of her now that I’d claimed her. Now that she was mine, I’d do whatever it took to make sure that every day she knew how much I loved her. How much I would fight for her. How long I’d wait for her. How she was everything this cowboy could ever hope or dream of having.

  I must’ve been caught in my own thoughts, because when I felt her hand touch my face, I was startled right out of my skin. She giggled like it was the first time it’d ever happened. It wasn’t. Unfortunately, the girlie had a way of coming at someone without them seeing her coming.

  “What are you thinking about?” she asked, her voice drawing my eyes straight to her just-perfect-for-the-kissing mouth. “Are you unwell?” she added when I didn’t say a word in response.

  I couldn’t help it. I smirked like the child I was. Ain’t no denying it. I was a little love-sick teenager when it came down to what I felt for this woman. I acted all shy and unseasoned around her. Like I’d never spoken to a woman all my life. Like I’d never laid in bed with a woman until I’d laid with her. But in my defense, I’d never been in love like this.

  Bond or no bond, my feelings for Nyla were so big my body didn’t know how to keep them contained anymore. They were practically coming out of my pores. I was even breathing them; every exhale filled with my love for her, and every inh
ale replacing what had only just been pushed out.

  I’d never get tired of hearing her husky voice or her wispy giggles. I’d never grow bored with the chiding in every statement or the strong hits she’d deliver when I was being naughty. And I liked to be naughty. There would never be a time where I could go one day without having her next to me. I knew it.

  Gone was the Bernie who lived for the thrill of rejection. I’d seen it so often that I almost relished in a good turn down from the women I complimented. I wouldn’t miss it, though. Loving Nyla felt like everything in my life had led me to her. Had set me up for loving her. Taught me how to be the man she needed most to be there for her.

  “I’m just perfect, darling. I’m a man in love.” Her face flushed the most beautiful red I’d ever seen. I’d never get tired of it. “Hey,” I started, staring blatantly at the woman beneath me with round eyes.

  Her expression softened before it tensed, clearly sensing something in my tone. I didn’t want her to be worried, so I stumbled over the next words and internally grumbled at my stuttered delivery.

  “Do you uh, wanna marry me?”

  I can’t really explain properly into words how anxious my body was in those moments she stared blankly at me, her mouth falling open and her small body tensing beneath me, but I think I might’ve damn near died while I hovered over her like some lame idiot for the seconds it took for her to respond.

  It was worth it.

  Her smile touched her eyes, the sparkle of tears gleaming like little precious jewels before they escaped down her face and into her blushing pink hair. She didn’t need to say anything for me to know what she intended to say as her hand took hold of my neck with a strength I didn’t want to admit I wouldn’t have been able to defend myself against and dragged me down for a firework-exploding, knee-buckling, totally macho-lady kiss.

  “I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that’s a yes?” I asked in a pitch I wasn’t proud of. Like I’d just gone through puberty.

  Carl would be laughing his ass right into the floor if he’d heard it.

  Nyla’s nod was enough, but she whispered into my ear the words my heart had longed all morning to hear. The words that set fire to my manly loins. The words that had already set fire to my heart and would burn it forever.

  “I will. I love you, so of course, I will.”

  I gaped openly at her, suddenly taking her hand into mine and forcing her small palm slap me with gusto. Her surprised, practically horrified expression was just frosting on the cake as the pain of her unwilling slap registered.

  I wasn’t dreaming!

  “Bernie’s getting hitched!” I yelped out in a happy hurrah, squeezing my prize with all the strength in my body before kissing her sweet, already cherry lips. “I’m going to marry the boss!”

  Her sound, impressively delivered hit to my head was just another reason I was overjoyed as I laid as many kisses as I could on her cute face until she was laughing uncontrollably and totally under my spell.

  The Holy Smokes! End.

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